Text B - Text - New Words

  instant n.   a moment 瞬间,片刻
  locate vt.   to find the exact position of sb./sth. 定位
  relocate vi.   to move to a different place 搬家,移居
  prospect n.   sth. that is possible or likely to happen in the future, or the possibility itself 希望,前途
  outweigh vt.   to be more important or valuable than sth. else 比……重要,胜过,强过
  annoyance n.   a feeling of slight anger 恼怒,为难
sth. that makes you slightly angry 恼怒的事情
  accommodate vt.   to provide sb. with a place to stay, live, or work 提供住宿
  crucial adj.   extremely important, because everything else depends on it 极其重要的,决定性的
  specifically adv.   concerning or intended for one particular type of use 特别地,尤其in a detailed or exact way 仔细地,详细地
  accustom vt.   to make yourself or another person become used to a situation or place 使适应
  location n.   a particular place or position, especially in relation to other areas, buildings, etc. 位置,场所,地点
  confine vt.   to keep sb. in a place that they cannot leave 关起来,禁闭
to keep sb./sth. within the limits of a particular activity or subject 限制
  stuffy adj.   (a room or building) not having enough fresh air 空气不新鲜的,通风不好的
(a person) too formal and having old-fashioned ideas 古板的,一本正经的
  hesitant adj.   being reluctant or unwilling 犹豫的,吞吞吐吐的
  contact vt.   to write to or telephone someone 联系
n. communication or meeting with a person, organization, country, etc. 交流
the state of touching or being close to sb./sth. 接触,联系
  via prep.   traveling through a place on the way to another place 经由,取道
using a particular person, machine, etc., to send sth. 凭借,通过某种手段
  barrier n.   a rule, problem, etc., that prevents people from doing sth., or limits what they can do 障碍
  equip vt.   to provide a person, group, building, etc., with the things that are needed for a particular activity or work 供给,装备
  semester n.   one of the two periods into which an academic year is divided, especially in the US 学期
  enroll vi.   to officially arrange to join a school, college, class, etc., or arrange for sb. else to do this 入学,入会
  option n.   sth. that you can chose to do in a particular situation 选择